Broken City Writer Brian Tucker To Work On The New Spawn Movie


by James White |
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We've been hearing about Spawn creator Todd McFarlane's attempts to bring a new movie based on the dark comicbook character to screens for a couple of years now. Though he locked in a deal with Blumhouse and appeared to secure the services of Jamie Foxx and Jeremy Renner to star, things have been very quiet (pandemic delays notwithstanding) among talk of re-writes and financing issues. It appears that McFarlane and co. are going back to basics, as Broken City writer Brian Tucker is aboard to work on a new script.

Spawn draws from McFarlane's tale of a black ops CIA Agent who dies, makes a deal with the devil, is shortchanged and comes back as a soul-hunting hellspawn, and was adapted for the 1997 movie that has its defenders, but definitely didn't grasp everything McFarlane wanted, while the animated TV series got closer.

The status of the cast isn't clear – chances are they may want new deals to stick around – but the presence of Tucker doesn't completely fill our hearts with hope given how Broken City turned out, but the standard Empire Christmas Eve disclaimer applies.

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