Bonham Carter: The Future Begins

Helena to sign on for Terminator 4?

Bonham Carter: The Future Begins

by Tom Ambrose |
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Well, the cast for Terminator Salvation: The Future Begins continues to swell, with impressive names to boot – but the latest addition is one that we frankly admit we didn’t see coming.

For Helena Bonham Carter has entered talks to join the likes of Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, and Bryce Dallas Howard in the McG-directed fourth instalment of the Terminator franchise, which began shooting last month in New Mexico.

As with virtually everything on the future-set movie (except the rumoured ending, ahem), details about Bonham Carter’s character are hard to come by, but it’s apparently a small, yet pivotal, role.

We certainly welcome Bonham Carter’s casting as, along with the presence of Bale (who, of course, plays John Connor), it lends a veneer of respectability to a movie that is still provoking a fair amount of cynicism amongst fanboys and geeky internet types.

And, despite Bonham Carter’s arthouse reputation, she’s been in her fair share of blockbusters and commercial fare, from Fight Club to the last couple of Harry Potters and, of course, pretty much anything her other half, Tim Burton, directs, so she should be able to handle the McG-manipulated mayhem with aplomb.

So, any thoughts on who her character might be, readers? Couldn’t be an appearance from Sarah Connor – after all, she was declared dead in Terminator 3, while Linda Hamilton is very much available. Is she some kind of new Terminator? A key part of the rebel forces? Feel free to speculate below.

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