Bad Santa 2 has been 14 years in the making but, then, it takes time to conjure up something as misanthropic and hilariously mean-spirited as a Bad Santa movie. Those dwarf jokes don’t write themselves. Happily for the film’s many fans, Billy Bob Thornton’s Satanic Santa is back to frighten the children and try to sleep with their mums. Take a look at some first stills from the film below.
Mean Girls’ Mark Waters has taken the reins from Bad Santa director Terry Zwigoff for this one, but Thornton’s Willie T. Soke is back, alongside Santa’s helper Marcus (Tony Cox) and Thurman Merman (Brett Kelly). Head to USA Today for more first looks at the comedy.

Expect more of the same crazed mayhem from the trio. If you don’t know what that entails, allow Empire’s review of the 2003 original to outline things: "Developed from an original idea from the Coen brothers,” outlined the review, "Bad Santa is a seasonal confection of vomit, piss, crime, snot, suicide, alcoholism and vigorous anal sex.”

This time out they’ll be attempting to rob a charity in Chicago, with the presence of Kathy Bates’ Ma Barker-alike mother promising to "raise the bar for the gang’s ambitions, while somehow lowering the standards of criminal behaviour”.
Bad Santa arrives in the UK on November 25 and the US two days earlier, with Christina Hendricks and Ryan Hansen also appearing.