Billie Lourd On For Ticket To Paradise

Billie Lourd

by James White |
Updated on

News broke at the end of last month that George Clooney and Julia Roberts would be teaming up again on screen for new rom-com Ticket To Ride. Now we know that Billie Lourd will also be part of the film.

Ol Parker co-wrote and will direct the movie, while Lourd will play Wren Butler, a recent University of Chicago graduate who accompanies her best friend Lily on a post-graduation jaunt to Bali. Lily’s abrupt decision to marry a Balinese local triggers her parents (Clooney & Roberts) to team up to try and stop her from repeating their mistake from 25 years ago. Wren stays in Bali for the engagement/wedding festivities and, in the process, finds her own love with a local doctor.

With Universal backing the film, Parker will start calling the shots this autumn, and is busy looking for someone to play Lily.

Lourd, last seen in Booksmart and Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker, will be back for the latest season of American Horror Story.

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