Battlestar Galactica Actor Dies

John Colicos passes away in Canada

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71-year old actor John Colicos, best known for his role as Battlestar Galactica villain Count Baltar, died in Toronto on Monday(March 6) after suffering a series of heart attacks. John ColicosCanadian-born Colicos began his career on the London stage, becoming the youngest actor to play King Lear at the Old Vic, then returning to Canada to join Canada's Stratford Festival where he honed his Shakespearean skills.

In later life he moved into movies and TV, co-starring in The Postman Always Rings Twice with Jack Nicolson and Jessica Lange, and appearing in cult 70s sci-fi series Battlestar Galactica. Last year he reprised his role as Count Baltar for the as yet unreleased movie, Battlestar Galactica: The Second Coming. He is survived by his wife, Mona, and two sons, Nicholas and Edmund. Fans can sign the online book of condolences at **John Colicos **1928-2000

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