Though he was loudly trumpeted as the writer and director of Batgirl following his work finishing up Justice League, Joss Whedon departed the solo project earlier this year. While Warner Bros. and DC haven't tracked down a replacement director yet, they have found someone to work on a new script, as Bumblebee's Christina Hodson takes the gig.
First appearing in 1967 in Gardner Fox and Carmine Infantino's story run The Million Dollar Debut Of Batgirl, she's the superhero alias of Gotham City Police Commissioner James Gordon's daughter, who has been seen in various incarnations through the years.
Hodson has some experience with both the studio and the subject, as she helped to develop a project based on the Birds Of Prey group, one of whom just so happens to be another version of Barbara Gordon.
Beyond her superhero work and Transformers duties (Bumblebee arrives on 26 December), Hodson has written movies such as 2016's Shut In and last year's Unforgettable.
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