Avengers: Endgame Will Be Gwyneth Paltrow’s Final Marvel Movie

Pepper Potts

by Ben Travis |
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It’s a matter of months until Avengers: Endgame will arrive in cinemas and bring Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to a thunderous conclusion. And among the goodbyes we can expect from the Infinity War sequel, it seems we’ll be bidding farewell to an MCU stalwart who’s been there since the very beginning in Iron Man. Gwyneth Paltrow has claimed in an interview that she’ll be retiring the recurring role of Pepper Potts, business partner and partner-partner of Tony Stark, in Endgame.

“I mean, I’m a bit old to be in a suit and all that at this point,” she told Variety. “I feel very lucky that I did it, because I actually got talked into it. I was friends with Jon Favreau. It was such a wonderful experience making the first Iron Man and then to watch how important it has become to fans.” Of course, it seems no-one ever really truly leaves the MCU – and whether Potts and Stark survive Endgame or not, Paltrow seems willing to return in minor appearances in future if needed. “Of course, if they said, ‘Can you come back for a day?,’ I will always be there if they need me,” she said.

Paltrow isn’t the only cast member expected to make their Marvel exit in EndgameChris Evans is thought to be wrapping up his contract, marking the end of his role as Steve Rogers with an emotional Tweet. And obviously, the fate of half of the MCU hangs in the balance after Thanos’ attack in Infinity War – expect the Avengers to do everything they can to reverse that outcome in Endgame, no matter the cost. Avengers: Endgame will arrive in UK cinemas on 25 April.

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