Every day is a day closer to the endgame. Avengers: Endgame, that is – the hugely-anticipated Infinity War follow-up, set to wrap up Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and propel the saga into a whole new era. And now, we’re an extra day closer – because the UK release date appears to have shifted forward a whole 24 hours. According to the UK movies arm of analytics company Comscore, we’re getting Endgame on Thursday 25 April instead of Friday 26 – a day earlier than the US.

Still, we can’t be too smug about our early access to one of this year’s most hotly-anticipated blockbusters – as it currently stands, countries including Australia, France, Italy and the Netherlands are getting it even earlier, with a 24 April release date. Prepare your Tweet blockers in advance, everyone.
Just a few months away from release, Endgame remains top-secret – a teaser trailer revealed very little in the way of footage or plot, instead showing our bruised and battered remaining heroes attempting to regroup in the wake of Thanos’ snappening. However, we do know that Ant-Man will be back after getting himself out of the Quantum Realm, while Hawkeye will pop back up in an intense new Ronin outfit. Head this way to read about what we know so far.
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