Avengers: Endgame – Super Bowl Spot Drops New Footage

Avengers: Endgame Super Bowl spot

by James White |
Published on

The Super Bowl across the pond is traditionally the time for the big movies on the way in the coming months to debut new trailers or TV spots. Marvel ruled this year's event with two big spots – one for Avengers: Endgame and another for Captain Marvel.

Endgame's spot, as you would expect, continued the maudlin, post-snap feel that has dominated earlier footage. The world is still feeling the tragic effects of half the universe's lifeforms vanishing, while our heroes are still figuring out just what they can do about it.

Aiming to keep you teased rather than giving away too much (and let's not forget, this is a team that has put shots in trailers that don't end up in the final film), the quick look just made waiting for April that much harder.

Captain Marvel, on the other hand, was all about enthusiastic energy, channeling the title character's ebullient, driven side for a spot that popped. "Higher, further, faster", indeed.

Endgame finally puts us out of our misery (or adds to it) on April 26. Captain Marvel soars in on 8 March.

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