Arrow Video Launches Cult Movie Streaming Service


by Ben Travis |
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While the streaming service market is largely dominated by the likes of Netflix, Amazon, and the recent arrivals of Disney+ and Apple TV+, there are plenty of smaller specialist channels out there vying for your eyeballs, from the curated arthouse collection on Mubi, to the all-horror-all-the-time catalogue on Shudder, and the deep library of British film on the BFI Player. Now Arrow Video has unveiled its own streaming service dedicated to cult movies, featuring an array of scrubbed-up scuzzy favourites, international horror imports, and under-seen classics.

Arrow Video’s service launched this week in the UK (it’s also available in the US and Canada), packed with what Quentin Tarantino quite rightly described on our very special new Empire Podcast episode as “cool shit”. Among the streaming library, you’ll find horror classics like Hideo Nakata’s original Ring movies and melancholy ghost story Dark Water, the Hellraiser trilogy, Dario Argento’s Tenebrae, Phenomena, and The Bird With The Crystal Plumage, plus Takashi Miike’s nerve-shredding Audition and insane zombie musical The Happiness Of The Katakuris. You’ll also find Park Chan-wook’s Oldboy and his recently-revived war movie JSA – Joint Security Area, essential favourites like Heathers, Donnie Darko, Battle Royale and Cinema Paradiso, a stack of Lars Von Trier films including Melancholia, Antichrist, and both parts of Nymphomaniac, Alejandro Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain, raucous anthology flick Wild Tales, Peter Strickland’s hypnotic Berberian Sound Studio, brutal Korean action epic The Villainess, and plenty of other eye-popping must-watches. Check out the full catalogue at

Full sign-up details are on the website, but it’s just under a fiver monthly (currently available at half-price for the first three months) or £50 for the year. For anyone who’s exhausted their existing streaming subscriptions through lockdown, there are plenty of violent delights to keep you going between WandaVision episodes.

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