Angela Bettis Has A Scar

A serial killer thriller

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It can be so very annoying when murderous, torturing kidnappers come back from the dead.

That’s exactly the problem facing May's Angela Bettis in her next film, Scar. Directed by Jed Weintrob, it sees Bettis as Joan Burrows, a woman trying hard to deal with the psychological scars of her past as she returns home for her niece’s high school graduation. At age 16, Joan and her best friend were kidnapped and tortured by serial killer Ernie Parish. Though she managed to free herself and kill Parish, it now appears that he’s pulled a Freddy Krueger and come back from the dead (though without all that dream nonsense) to restart his reign of terror.

The film, based on a script by Zack Ford, stars shooting in Calgary this October.

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