Analyze This Toppled

Forces of Nature prove too tough for Mafia mob...

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Analyze This has had its US Box office thunder stolen by the new Bronwen Hughes film, Forces of Nature starring Sandra Bullock and Ben Affleck. The romantic comedy grossed $13,510,728 in its first week, toppling Analyze This from first place with its third week earnings of $11,711,348. Forces of Nature follows Ben (Affleck) on his journey as he attempts to rendezvous with his fiancee who is awaiting his arrival states away in Georgia. Unfortunately, his objective is marred by the onslaught of the nutty Sarah (Bullock), when they haplessly meet under unusual circumstances. They then embark on a planes, trains and automobiles journey to reach Ben's goal - which of course, doesn't always go to plan. Elsewhere in the Box office rankings, True Crime - the Warner Bros. flick directed by Clint Eastwood - closed its first week with a tidy $5,276,109 in its pockets. Baby Geniuses filled the number four position, with second week earnings of $4,312,108 and Cruel Intentions slipped back to round of the top five grossing third week takings of $4,008,790.

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