Alexander Payne Off To Nebraska

For a film, not a holiday

Alexander Payne Off To Nebraska

by James White |
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Last time we checked in on the filmmaking affairs of Sideways director Alexander Payne, he was busy adding yet another project to his ever-growing slate of possible future productions. But now, with George Clooney drama The Descendants well and truly in the can, it looks like Payne is ready to actually crack into one of them,with producer Ron Yerxa talking up Nebraska.

Chatting with the fine folk over at The Playlist, Yerxa outlined Nebraska’s basic plot, which finds an aging alcoholic dad becoming convinced he’s won a million dollar prize. His family refuse to believe it, but when he starts out on the long trip from Montana to Nebraska to claim his alleged winnings, his twentysomething son is sent along with him to make sure he doesn’t hit trouble. Cue some father/son bonding as the estranged pair is forced to confront their issues.

It’s prime material for Payne, with the subject matter feeling akin to his About Schmidt. He’s let it sit for about six years, wanting to put a little distance between that film and this one, and is now re-writing Robert Nelson’s original script with Cedar Rapids scribe Phil Johnston.

There’s no word on casting yet, though Yerxa floated a couple of names that Payne is considering, including Casey Affleck and Robert Forster, who has just worked on The Descendents. But he cautions that no final decisions have been made: "Casting is still wide open. Alexander can’t cast an actor until he’s read for the part and he knows he’s exactly right for it.” Plus, he wants to make sure the script is right before anyone gets a proper look.

With Paramount backing this one, he aims to kick off shooting later this year, shortly before The Descendants arrives in cinemas (or at least before it starts its festival run).

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