Adam Scott And Evangeline Lilly Have Devilish Problems In The Little Evil Trailer

Little Evil

by James White |
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It can be hard for a parent to bond with a step-child, but for Adam Scott's Gary, it's going to be a devil of a time. The trailer for the Netflix horror comedy Little Evil is now online.

Gary has seemingly found a perfect life with Evangeline Lilly's Samantha: they're in love, they just got married and now they've moved in together at Samantha's house. There's just one little issue... Samantha's son, Lucas (Owen Atlas). He's moody, a bit weird and, oh yes, Gary is starting to suspect he might be the son of Satan.

Cue a lot of worried running around and Lucas proving that there's definitely something wrong there. Think The Omen meets Problem Child...

With Tucker And Dale Vs. Evil director Eli Craig calling the shots, the film also features the likes of Bridget Everett, Tyler Labine, Donald Faison and Clancy Brown. It'll be on Netflix on 1 September.

Adam Scott And Evangeline Lilly Starring In Little Evil

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