When A Quiet Place first came out, its writer-director (and star) John Krasinski had no plans to make another. But when he cracked an idea for the second film, he went off and made A Quiet Place Part II – currently filling cinemas (to a responsible capacity) in the UK and beyond. Next up though, Krasinski is handing the reins to filmmaker Jeff Nichols for a third film set in the A Quiet Place universe – once that’s been touted in reports as a spin-off entry, and which Krasinski referred to as “the third instalment” when he recently spoke to the Empire Podcast.
On the A Quiet Place Part II Spoiler Special episode – available now to pod subscribers, sign up here to join – the director opened up about his involvement in the next film, and picking Nichols as the man for the job. “I came up with the idea. The story of the third one, the third instalment, is something I came up with,” he explains.
“Truly the only person I had in mind when asked whether I would hand this off was Jeff. I think he’s one of the best filmmakers, Mud is one of my favourite movies, and so real and intimate. It’s exactly the sort of paints we’re painting with in A Quiet Place – very organic characters you fall in love with. So he was my first choice for this, and when he said yes I was over the moon. I pitched him my story, he’s gone and developed the world on his own with that jumping-off point, and I’m so thrilled. He’s actually just turning in a script now, and I loved it. I absolutely loved it, and I can’t wait to see him shoot this thing.”

Now, if you’ve seen Part II – and if you haven’t here’s your SPOILER WARNING, turn back at this point lest ye be spoiled – you’ll know that it’s somewhat open-ended, with plenty of potential for more story, and the surviving Abbott clan still on the board. Krasinski remained circumspect over whether Nichols’ film will further the story of the characters we’ve come to know and love or if it will indeed take a spin-off approach, but promised something new for the series. “Is it going to continue the Abbotts? Who knows!” he says. “No, I will tell you that it is… I’m really excited about the third instalment because it’s going to do something that we haven’t done before.”
As for where A Quiet Place Part II leaves off, Krasinski tee’d up the potential story consequences of Regan’s game-changing broadcast in the final reel. “The ending of the last shot is, now that the world knows about [the signal that the creatures are vulnerable to], what will the world do with this answer, or with this weapon? Will they be responsible with it, or will they not be responsible with it?” We may well find out in 2023.
A Quiet Place Part II is in UK cinemas now. Listen to Empire’s A Quiet Place Part II Spoiler Special podcast now on the Spoiler Special podcast feed – sign up for £2.99 per month.