Director Ruben Ostlund exposes the perils of peer pressure and lacking self-restraint in this semi-improvised, vignettish satire, whose quirky perspective is reflected in its mischievous framing. Incidents involving a pair of webcamming teenage girls and a gang of drunken mates push sexual buttons, while episodes centring on a boy injured by a firework at his birthday party and a teacher unsure how to tackle an abusive colleague reveal how hard it is to do the right thing. But the pick sees actress Maria Lundqvist allowing a kid to take the blame for her petulant act of vandalism during a bus journey. Unsettlingly insistent, smartly played and bleakly hilarious.
Involuntary Review

A story that follows five very different people who are all trying to cope with the demands of peer pressure in Sweden.
Release Date:
29 Oct 2010
Running Time:
98 minutes
Original Title:
A challenging and intelligent Swedish drama that still raises laughs.
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