Old dog salesmen Billy (Vince Vaughn) and Nick (Owen Wilson) get laid off thanks to the creeping influence of the digital age and try their hand against the young pups in Google’s internship programme. Huge plug for the tech company and formulaic underdog structure aside, this reunion of the Wedding Crashers is actually funny. Though Rose Byrne suffers through an underwritten near-cameo, the leading men feel engaged and the fresh faces entertain instead of annoy. Josh Gad sneaks in to steal scenes, and Max Minghella turns what could have been a rote — British, of course — antagonist into a chuckle-grabbing bundle of nonsense.
The Internship Review

Two old school salesmen (Vaughn and Wilson) lose their jobs and decide to apply to Google as interns. They quickly learn that they're up against some real brains for the gig, and that they'll need to bring the wily...
Release Date:
03 Jul 2013
Running Time:
119 minutes
Original Title:
Internship, The
A gratuitous spruik for the money-churning web giants but not without moments of wit. The duo rediscover a little of their old magic.
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