Empire Meets John Powell

The Rio 2 composer talks us through his tunes for 'toons...

by Ian Freer |
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John Powell’s introduction to Hollywood was assisting Hans Zimmer on an un-released drama documentary directed by one Terrence Malick. “He didn’t know who the hell I was but he treated me like an artist straight off,” remembers Powell. “He is profound. He will say something that you will have to go and think about for 48 hours.” Since his big feature break with Face/Off, the British-born Powell has risen to become one of most sought after composers, building relationships with directors like Paul Greengrass and Doug Liman and straddling the worlds of live action and animation — next up is How To Train Your Dragon 2. Here he talks through his key scores...

John Powell
Face/Off soundtrack

Antz soundtrack
Chicken Run
Chicken Run soundtrack
Shrek soundtrack
Rat Race
Rat Race soundtrack
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Identity soundtrack

The Bourne Supremacy soundtrack

Mr & Mrs Smith
MR & Mrs Smith soundtrack
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: The Last Stand soundtrack
United 93
United 93 soundtrack

The Bourne Ultimatum
The Bourne Ultimatum soundtrack
Kung Fu Panda
Kung Fu Panda soundtrack
Ice Age: Continental Drift
Mr & Mrs Smith soundtrack
How To Train Your Dragon
X-Men: The Last Stand soundtrack
Rio 2
Rio 2 soundtrack

"I wasn’t sure about using 'I Will Survive' at first. It was too ubiquitous. But once we got Jemaine Clement in the studio and he said, 'How about we have a rap section?' It was so distressingly funny I thought we should try it. So I got a beat going and he started coming up with this hysterical stuff. We got yards and yards of it and it took ages to whittle down but I thought it just worked. It just seemed right for Nigel. He’s such an arsehole. He really is. He is so demanding. If he was going to sing a song at an audition, this would bring out the true nature of his character: over the top, cheesy and misunderstanding the whole point of what he was supposed to be doing. He makes a line about not using auto-tune. The funny thing is we auto-tune the hell out of it."

How to Train Your Dragon 2

"It uses some of the same tunes but there are also lots of new tunes. It’s going to have bagpipes in it. There is a fantastic group called The Red Hot Chilli Pipers who are coming down from Scotland for us. We have a big choir, a big orchestra. Everything is the same but it has a new set of characters and a whole new story. The characters have grown up since the last film so things are slightly different. It’s a maturation story."

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