Brit chick-lit gets a Hollywood makeover in this chirpy rom-com based on Sophie Kinsella’s novels. Rebecca (Isla Fisher) is a compulsive shopper who owes thousands in credit card bills. Unable to win her dream job at a fashion mag, she accepts a less glamorous position in the same building, and proceeds to shake up the world of Successful Saving and its editor, Luke (Hugh Dancy). How long can she keep her shopaholism a secret? It’s hardly suspenseful stuff, but the sassy New-York-shopper angle should keep Sex And The City fans happy without patronising them quite so cynically.
Confessions of a Shopaholic Review

Based on the novel by Sophie Kinsella the film follows a young collage graduate working as a financial journalist in New York where she indulges her passion for spending vast quantities of money. She soon falls for a wealthy entrepreneur.
Release Date:
20 Feb 2009
Running Time:
104 minutes
Original Title:
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Throwaway fun for the Sex And The City generation.
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