In a 911 response centre in Los Angeles, Halle Berry is a seasoned operator haunted by the one life she failed to save — a teenager killed by a generic movie psycho six months earlier. When she improbably crosses paths with the murderer again in an identical situation, the well-worn road to redemption stretches predictably out before us. Loaded with dim-witted developments, The Call is derivative, formulaic tosh that could easily have been written for Sandra Bullock in the mid-’90s. By the time the cliché-packed final act rolls round, you’ll wish you’d hung up ages ago.
The Call Review

Guilt-ridden after bungling an emergency call six months earlier, 911 operator Jordan Turner (Berry) resolves to never fail a caller again. It's a determination that's soon tested when the murderer strikes again.
Release Date:
20 Sep 2013
Running Time:
94 minutes
Original Title:
Call, The
The kind of clichéd nonsense so common in the mid-'90s, it's a throwback - and not necessarily in a good way.
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