Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron Review

Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron

by David McComb |
Updated on

If most of us could tell George Lucas what we’d like from a Star Wars blaster, the chance to pilot AT-ATs and the Millennium Falcon would probably be top of our list. We’d also like to drive these iconic ships without spending months unlocking them first, please, and it’d be nice if there were big arrows everywhere telling us where to go and who to kill in the heat of battle. Oh, and we’d also love to shatter IG-88’s steely ass with a blast from a Carbonite Freeze Gun, and play the whole thing on a portable console and save the universe on the bus to work.

While this wish-list may sound like a tall order, Renegade Squadron delivers the goods and more, the carnage brought to life with intuitive battles where you can lock-on slippery enemies, the chance to create your own heroes, and a wealth of explosive multiplayer options. It’s a shame the PSP button layout can get you in a tangle of fingers and thumbs during fierce dogfights, but you can’t have everything, eh?

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