Whether on film or in the pages of J. K. Rowlings books, Harry Potters Quidditch matches are fast, thrilling and a highlight of any adventure starring the Boy Who Lived. Sadly, the fictional sports console debut is a frustratingly pedestrian affair.
Although the developers have followed Rowlings rules to the letter every quaffle, bludger and snitch is present and correct players are given no control over vertical movement, restricting the broomstick battles to a horizontal plane when the thrills of Quidditch surely come from the players ability to go anywhere. The game also lacks a convincing sense of speed and the computer-controlled opponents are a pushover, making for easy victories and no sense of accomplishment.
Nevertheless, younger fans will think its the best sports game ever and, with a two-player mode thats more fun than the main event, its the ideal solution for subduing excitable Potheads until The Prisoner Of Azkaban hits cinemas.