Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

by Sebastian Williamson |
Published on

Unquestionably the single-greatest entertainment launch of 2009, Activision and Infinity Ward’s Modern Warfare 2 is a lesson in breakneck spectacle, hurtling you from one astonishing set piece to the next with all the cocksureness of a developer, quite simply, head and shoulders above the competition.

While never straying too far from the formula that made Modern Warfare such a triumph, Infinity Ward spices up its original dish as it flits between character arcs with pure, unadulterated money moments - a frenetic fire fight mountain descent on a snowmobile - and a controversy-baiting mission as an undercover terrorist in a Russian airport where you’re forced to observe (or partake) in the slaughter of innocents. A brave move to boot from the California based developer.

Ultimately, Modern Warfare’s Pièce de résistance is its multiplayer, and the key to the game’s titanium-coated longevity. Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Search and Destroy all make a welcome return alongside its predecessor’s faultless perk system, but its in the inclusion of the spectacularly addictive arcade-style Spec Ops mode that Infinity Ward not only raises the bar, but rather punts it into space with a generous helping of various objective based standalone missions that can be played solo or cooperatively. A modern masterpiece. Were you expecting anything less?

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