Amped 3 Review

Amped 3

by Mike Jeffries |
Published on

While SSX has never captured the same sense of realism and sublime control as Nintendo’s forgotten classic, 1080, a generation of gamers has still been charmed by EA’s snowboarding sims as the action’s so damned stylish they’re willing to forgive its niggling faults. But while Amped 3 fancies itself as the Tony Hawk’s of snowboarding, in reality it’s more like Eddie the Eagle.

Although the game’s bizarre movie sequences – liberally mixing anime, comic books, cheesy educational video footage and sock puppets – give Amped 3 a unique personality, it comes across as a ham-fisted attempt to be hip, an attitude that’s sure to alienate fans of the chic sport.

The action itself also leaves a lot to be desired – the awkward controls aren’t as simple to use as in previous Ampeds, for example, and the bland graphics never scream next generation – making Amped 3 little more than an adequate place-holder while you wait for the next SSX to skid into stores.

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