Popularity-wise, American Football has had its ups and downs in the UK, but is...
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World Of Warcraft has needed an expansion like Legion for some time now. While...
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This past March marked the 20th anniversary of seminal survival horror series...
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Blizzard’s vastly successful strategy card game – boasting over 50 million...
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If you prefer games to be intelligent and thought-provoking, there’s a good...
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No Man's Sky is shockingly vast, and its near-incalculable scale – developer...
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After turning down an offer from crime boss Carmine Falcone, Bruce Wayne finds...
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The end of the world is nigh! The giant pasta god has devoured all! Only by...
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It may only be one app to download, but there are really two Pokémon GO...
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Death by drowning is just one of the many unfortunate fates your young...
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Huge in Japan in a ‘this game will sell your console’ kind of way, the Monster...
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Certain things, such as Global Hypercolor T-shirts and the Saturday Night...
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You come expecting the youthful exuberance of Finn, Rey and BB-8 and instead...
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The kind of all-ages adventure with which Nintendo has made its fortune,...
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The Devil’s Daughter embroils Baker Street’s finest (here recast as a dashing...
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The rumour goes that humans experience a curious calm in the expansive seconds...
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It's easy to look at Overwatch and write it off as just another attempt at...
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The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine In The Witcher 3’s last expansion, famed monster...
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The Total War series has long explored diverse historical ages over the course...
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Developed by workhorse Japanese studio Platinum Games, Mutants in Manhattan is...
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Homefront: The Revolution is a properly open-world first-person shooter, set...
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Given its wafer-thin plot, gore-soaked action, and addictively twitchy...
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The return of charismatic, adventuring mass-murderer Nathan Drake has been...
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The first thing that strikes you in Battleborn, the latest obscenely...
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For a company that’s rarely shy of reusing and repurposing its characters,...
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Of the games crying out for a reboot, Insomniac Games’ Ratchet and Clank may...
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Remedy Entertainment has a reputation for wrapping its twitchy shooters in...
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From the doom-laden opening to its final, nightmarish boss, Dark Souls III is...
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It seems everything has a Golden Age. For comic books it’s from the late ’30s...
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