We all know what this Christmas is really about this year: events that took...
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Winter is closing in, and at this time of the year, discerning gamers tend to...
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Having created the world’s greatest real-time strategy game – and retained a...
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Ever since it became a stratospheric sales success – and sure enough, Black...
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After two decades, over 20 different versions and a 12-month hiatus to learn...
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Many Transformers games have come and gone over the years, all faithful to the...
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Sourcerors: an awful portmanteau, but a real threat to the world of Divinity....
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One of the gaming world’s most glorious aspects is its diversity – for...
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PS4 owners, look away now: Microsoft’s biggest gun for this Christmas has...
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In the world of games development, success can bring immense pressure, as last...
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If you set out expressly to make a game for uber-geeks, you might well end up...
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You wait millennia for an apocalypse, and then two come along at once –...
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The current generation of consoles is providing rich pickings for those of a...
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Firaxis is one of the only game developers in existence that still remembers...
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Be warned, skinflints – LEGO Dimensions isn’t a game for the pennywise or...
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The latest Skylanders game initially seems like the most gimmicky yet. Giving...
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In the past, Microsoft’s flagship driving franchise resembled the giant...
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Prior to its release in September last year, Destiny had been pitched as a...
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These days, we’re so used to successful games being prefigured by a protracted...
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Mad Max is not Fury Road: The Game. While developer Avalanche – a studio most...
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The hype circulating among gamers in anticipation of Metal Gear Solid V: The...
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Are high-def remakes reaching saturation point? Given the original Gears of...
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There's a certain retro charm to playing a new Broken Sword game in 2015. No,...
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There have been some pretty wacky characters to control in videogames over the...
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When Disney launched its toy-filled Infinity series as a rival to Skylanders...
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Until Dawn is something that hardcore gamers love to hate: a film masquerading...
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When Nintendo’s Wii U launched in 2012, it was instantly hamstrung by a dearth...
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There's a clear genealogy that can be traced from developer The Chinese Room's...
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Few developers have generated such an aura of mystique and reverence as Rare...
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