Yesterday brought the first of the new batch of character posters for Captain America: Civil War, with the arrival of Team Cap's images. But if you've decided you're following Team Iron Man, your side's posters have also now arrived.
At the top of the page we find old friends Tony "Iron Man" Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and James "Rhodey" Rhodes (Don Cheadle), often found using the War Machine suit on behalf of the US government. Strange to think that two men who once disagreed about how much superheroes should be beholden to the authorities are now on the same side of this clash.
The big fight comes about in the wake of Age Of Ultron's Sokovia incident and other battles that have seen serious collateral damage. Restrictive new government regulations are being promised on heroes, supported by, of all people, Stark.
With Cap and a select few forced to effectively become rebels against their own government and friends, the stage is set for a conflict that will challenge loyalties, rip old connections asunder and change the Marvel Cinematic Universe forever. Below you can see Natasha "Black Widow" Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) and new Marvel Cinematic Universe arrival T'Challa, AKA Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman).

Captain America: Civil War is preparing to throw our heroes into conflict and while you might think it unfair that Cap's side has six members and Iron Man's only has five consider that Stark has the Vision (Paul Bettany) with him, which you would think would automatically lead to victory. We'll see what actually happens when the movie arrives in the UK on April 29. For more on the film, check out the latest issue of Empire and take a look at our primer feature right here.