The steady flow of imagery from the new Wolverine movie, Logan, continues. Next up in the series of moody, monochrome pictures from director James Mangold's film is a toilet stall with an intriguing message scrawled on to it.

No, it's not Logan's phone number promising a good, sharp time, it's a potential clue to the movie's story, which is still largely a secret, at least officially. But all the signs have pointed to Hugh Jackman's main man as an aging version of the character, his mutant powers either waning or somehow removed altogether, dealing with a world where mutants are a disappearing species. There have been Marvel comics storylines, most notably the House Of M narratives that posited a world where mutants start to lose their powers and no more are born, though that was kicked off by Scarlet Witch, so don't expect to see that in a Fox Marvel film.
Still, it's a great way to get us more exciting for and talking about a movie that hasn't done much in the way of marketing so far. And with Logan's 3 March release date creeping up, it's good to see something at last.