Manners maketh the man, and money maketh the sequel. After grossing a healthy $414m worldwide, a sequel to spy romp Kingsman: The Secret Service seemed all but inevitable; director Matthew Vaughn is busy prepping the new film, entitled Kingsman: The Golden Circle – and Channing Tatum is the latest name to join the cast.
There’s no word yet on who Tatum will be playing; the only confirmation came from Tatum’s official Twitter feed, where he tweeted a teaser poster (below).
Tatum is the latest big name to join the cast, which already includes Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, Game Of Thrones’ Pedro Pascal, and, erm, Elton John. Yes, that Elton John.
Of the original cast, Taron Egerton will be returning, as will Mark Strong, and maybe, just maybe Colin Firth (if a teaser poster is to be believed).
Vaughn wrote the script with Jane Goldman and shooting is due to begin very soon. Kingsman: The Golden Circle is currently slated for a June 16, 2017 release date; for more on the movie (including exclusive concept art), check out the current issue of Empire.