The noble apes and jungle scenery are the saving graces of this CG cartoon update of Tarzan (animated in Germany, with no link to the Disney version). The baddie is an evil corporate type; Tarzan is still the same gorilla-raised orphan. But even at his acrobatic, tree-topping best, the yodelling vine-slinger feels like a synthetic stand-in for Disney’s more vivid hand-drawn hero. The film’s stymied by a poorly structured, uninvolving narrative; lacklustre voice-acting; annoying voice-overs; and child-unfriendly menace and violence. Cartoon aesthetes will run away screaming at the sight of the ‘uncanny valley’ humans.
Tarzan 3D Review

Tarzan (Lutz) and Jane (Locke) are faced with an army of mercenaries hired by the evil boss of Greystoke Energies.
Release Date:
02 May 2014
Running Time:
99 minutes
Original Title:
Tarzan 3D
Ponderously plotted and unwonderfully animated, this will disappoint audiences spoilt by Pixar-grade animations.
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