Melissa McCarthy and Susan Sarandon star in this road-trip comedy, but it ain’t no Thelma & Louise. Sacked by both boss and husband, Tammy (McCarthy) wants to get out of town, and only Grandma (Sarandon) has wheels. Various minor incidents follow, including brushes with both law and lesbians (Kathy Bates and Sandra Oh). There’s a smattering of laughs but the film — directed and co-written by McCarthy’s husband, Ben Falcone — lacks tension and sympathetic characters. And while she may be 67, it still feels way too early for Sarandon to be hobbling around with swollen ankles and grey hair.
Tammy Review

Having wrecked her car and lost her job in a fast-food joint, things surely can't get much worse for Tammy (McCarthy). Only they can, because her erratic grandmother (Sarandon) is her only source of transport.
Release Date:
04 Jul 2014
Running Time:
97 minutes
Original Title:
A mostly mirthless vehicle for McCarthy.
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