Attempting to pick himself up after the critical and box office mauling of Your Highness, David Gordon Green has unfortunately chosen this muddled, missed opportunity, which attempts to blend After Hours and Adventures In Babysitting. Jonah Hill’s bored, largely obnoxious slacker reluctantly takes on three annoying kiddie charges for one night — but the offer of some nookie has him dragging them off on a quest that involves drugs, dealers, hoods and, the filmmakers apparently hoped, heart. It never really gels except for a few spots here and there. Where The Wild Things Are’s Max Records does good work as conflicted teen Slater, but the rest is a mishmash of OTT behaviour from the usually reliable likes of Sam Rockwell and a plot that lazily relies on outrageous contrivance.
The Sitter Review

A suspended college student (Jonah Hill) is dragged into babysitting his next door neighbour's kids, unaware of the madness that lies ahead of him.
Release Date:
20 Jan 2012
Running Time:
81 minutes
Original Title:
Sitter, The
Not Superbad, just quite bad.
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