A film to disavow you of the notion of ever holidaying in the Korean countryside, Kim Jee-Woon’s cruel landscape is populated by killers, cannibals, rapists and sociopaths. Kyung-chul (Choi Min-sik) is a serial killer who stalks across the land like a bleak force of nature, seemingly unstoppable until he murders government agent Soo-hyun’s (Lee Byung-hun) fiancée in an opportunistic roadside killing. And so begins a game of catch and release with Soo-hyun chasing Kyung-chul down and repeatedly brutalising the killer until they’re both embroiled in more blood than Lady Macbeth might have ever imagined. It’s inventive and blackly funny — you’ll enjoy it with a nervous chuckle.
I Saw The Devil Review

When his pregnant fiancee is murder by a serial killer (Choi Min-sik), secret agent Soo-hyun (Lee Byung-hun) abandons the law to one side to pursue a bloody vendetta.
Release Date:
29 Apr 2011
Running Time:
138 minutes
Original Title:
I Saw The Devil
This gleefully black horror-thriller is a very classy follow-up to The Good, the Bad, the Weird for Kim Jee-Woon.
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