At first glance, Another Urban Yoof Movie but there’s a fresh Angry Young Man feel to this botched-heist thriller. A simmering Luke Treadaway recalls an ingenious robbery in unreliable flashback, staged by director Rowan Athale with high style and Northern gruffness. Special bonus: Neville Longbottom, all grown up, swearing like a champion.
The Rise Review

Stitched up on a possession charge and in prison for a year, Harvey (Treadaway) wants revenge on the man who put him there, Steven Roper (Maskell). The solution? An elaborate heist that will hit the thuggish crime lord where it hurts most.
Release Date:
20 Sep 2013
Running Time:
108 minutes
Original Title:
Rise, The
It may not be immune to the odd Brit thriller cliché, but this is an assured, stylish heist thriller from the debut filmmaker.
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