A friendly neighbourhood pot dealer (Jason Sudeikis) needs to assemble a fake family in order to complete a drug smuggle that will save his skin, so enlists a stripper (Jennifer Aniston), a homeless girl (Emma Roberts) and a virgin with the IQ of soup (Will Poulter). Collectively, this eclectic cast possesses a charm of tank-like heft, so that even when scenes slip into that mild awkwardness that occasionally happens when everyone’s improvising, it would still take an act of great will to dislike it. Like Thurber’s debut movie Dodgeball, it’s comedy that’s happy to be gross — but confident enough to be heartfelt.
We’re The Millers Review

Pot dealer David Clark (Sudeikis) is in hock to his supplier (Helm). Hoping to wipe the slate clean, he sets off to Mexico to run some of the funky green stuff across the border in a Winnebago. In tow, to create the pretense of a family holiday, he hires a stripper (Aniston), a homeless girl (Roberts) and a nitwit (Poulter) to join him for the ride.
Release Date:
23 Aug 2013
Running Time:
110 minutes
Original Title:
We’re The Millers
A likeable comedy that uses its greatest asset, its talented, funny cast, to good effect.
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