Eye-popping stuntwork, including cars careering through a hillside shanty town and a shopping arcade turned into a violent battleground of bodies and broken glass, is the keynote of this emphatically ridiculous kick and leap actioner. The inimitable Jackie Chan is the Hong Kong cop who gets very bashful between the fight scenes while coping with a murder frame-up, a beautiful key witness and a jealous girlfriend. The plot sags in the middle, with too much comic emphasis on our hero’s complicated love life, but the various action scenes easily make up for that with Chan moving with the speed and apparent indestructibility of a rubber ball.
Police Story Review

is assigned to protect the unco-operative secretary who is the chief witness to her drug lord bosses prosecution. He is forced to must fight off attempts on his life while hanging on to his girlfriend and second-guessing bent fellow officers.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1985
Running Time:
89 minutes
Original Title:
Police Story
The fantastic action scenes featuring Chan in his pomp are slightly let down by comic overkill.
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