We asked, you answered and the nominations for the 2017 Three Empire Awards are now in, with Rogue One taking the lead. Gareth Evans' Star Wars story scoops a total of nine nominations, including Best Film and Best Actress for Felicity Jones. Meanwhile, despite having been roundly snubbed by the Academy, Amy Adams' outstanding performance in Arrival saw her land a well-earned nomination for Best Actress.
Like Adams, The Merc With A Mouth, saw scant love from most of the awards bodies but Deadpool received the recognition it deserves from Empire readers, landing a total of five nominations, including Best Actor for Ryan Reynolds.
You can see the full list of nominees below, but it's not over yet! The second round of voting now begins in earnest, so scroll down, cast your votes and help decide who will be showered in glory when the Awards take place on Sunday 19 March.