Hear those distant incantations? That’s Hollywood execs (and most right-minded people) praying that the fast-developing all-female Ocean’s Eleven doesn’t incur the levels of bizarre online fury the new Ghostbusters has been burdened with. The casting department has been making plenty of sound moves so far, with Elizabeth Banks and Mindy Kaling the latest rumoured to be joining the heist caper.
Cate Blanchett added her Oscar pedigree to Sandra Bullock’s this week when she officially committed to the Steven Soderbergh-produced reboot. Helena Bonham Carter is also officially practising her sleight-of-hand in advance of the movie’s criminal high-jinx.
Director Gary Ross, Banks’ fellow Hunger Games veteran, is rumoured to have passed the script by Jennifer Lawrence, although according to Showbiz411, her packed schedule wouldn’t allow even light cat burglary, let alone full-blown heists at the moment.
While this one isn’t a direct facsimile of the Soderbergh-directed Ocean’s films, Olivia Milch’s script does apparently have Bullock and Blanchett reprising the Brad Pitt/George Clooney buddy dynamic. No word on who’s in charge of reprising Don Cheadle’s terrible cockney accent.
It's intriguing stuff… now to find a way to get Meryl Streep involved. The shoot kicks off in New York in early 2017.