If you've picked up a copy of the latest issue of Empire, you'll feel the spectre of another somewhat more sinister Empire within its pages. Rogue One is our cover star this month (our six covered-star, in fact), and as part of our extensive coverage on the newest Star Wars film, we spoke to the Empire's fearsome new officer, Director Orson Krennic – aka Ben Mendelsohn.

Speaking to Empire, the Australian actor told us to expect some power struggles with a certain D. Vader. "It's fair to say Lord Vader and he aren't friendly. Darth is very much about the Force. Krennic is force. Not really down with the whole mystical thing."
We also discover some fascinating insights into the character's origins, which director Gareth Edwards describes as a "working-class route through the Empire." Krennic does not come "from the aristocracy of the Empire, if you like," as Mendelsohn puts it. "He is truly a man that has made his own way up the chain through his own abilities. His weapon, for instance, is a very old type of blaster, because he's an old warrior dude. He’s been put in charge of making this thing happen. And it's gonna get done!"
For more on Rogue One, plus over 150 pages of further film-related magazine goodness, be sure to pick up the new issue of Empire, on sale now. Or subscribe to Empire here{