James Gunn wanted a David Bowie cameo in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Guardians Of The Galaxy

by James White |
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The world is still processing the loss of iconic musician and occasional actor David Bowie, and his impact is being felt across the film world as well as that of pop and rock. James Gunn has shared his own remembrance via Facebook and includes mention of trying to secure Bowie's services for a cameo in Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2.

A Bowie track, as Gunn mentions below, appears on the soundtrack and in the first film, but for Vol. 2, he was looking to go a step further. "Just a very short while ago Kevin Feige and I were talking about a cameo role in Guardians Vol. 2, and he brought up Bowie's name. I told him nothing in the world would make me happier, but I heard from common friends he wasn't doing well. We heard back that he was okay and it could potentially happen. Who knows what that was about? But, for whatever reason, it made my Twitter revelation more of a surprise."

You can't help but feel that Bowie would have fitted in well to the bright universe Gunn created with the initial look at Star-Lord and co., and it's shame it won't now have a chance to come to pass.

Gunn goes on to add his own thoughts on the death of the icon and another plan for his music in the sequel. "Bowie was an idol of mine, huge and omnipresent. Few artists in any field have had as an indelible impression upon me as he has. To my mind, Ziggy Stardust is perhaps the greatest rock and roll album of all time. We featured Moonage Daydream in Guardians, but I always thought the album's character was felt far beyond that, in the aesthetics, in the integral and seemingly-natural linking in popular culture of '70's rock and space opera. I've been trying to work another song from Ziggy into the sequel, which would make Bowie the only artist to have a song on both Vol. 1 and Vol. 2. I thought this was fair and appropriate. Although I cut the scene it was used in from the script, we have the rights. Who knows. Maybe I can figure a way out."

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 will be in cinemas on April 28, 2017.

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