Fast 8 planning to go off with a bang in Iceland

Vin Diesel

by James White |
Published on
Vin Diesel

With Vin Diesel recently confirming Fast 8's title and New York location plans, it seems the cast and crew will indeed be headed further afield than simply the Big Apple and its Atlanta studio home. While Cuba had been rumoured (and may still happen), at least one sequence will be shot in Iceland.

Iceland Review translates a report from Visir that says the eighth Fast & Furious film is headed to Akranes and should be landing there in April to work on a scene for the movie.

No details have been released about what Dom and the gang might be up to there, but according to the reports, director F. Gary Gray and his crew plan to carry out the largest explosion ever in Iceland, which sounds huge and exciting, but then no one really knows what the biggest previous explosion was. Still, it'll be somewhere new for the team to run or race around in and should provide some spectacular backdrops.

It's the second time in the last couple of years that Akranes has seen shooting, with Netflix's Sense8 shooting scenes there for the first season that launched last year.

Fast 8, or whatever its title ends up as over here, should be on our screens on April 14, 2017.

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