Empire’s Alien: Covenant Subscriber Exclusive Cover Revealed

Empire Alien Covenant

by John Nugent |
Published on

The queen is back... Ridley Scott soon returns to the Alien universe he began in 1979 with the latest instalment: Alien: Covenant. To mark the occasion, we've welcomed the iconic xenomorph back to the cover of the world's biggest movie magazine. As usual, Empire subscribers are getting their own limited edition design; here's what will be landing on their doormats this month.

Empire Alien Covenant

Designed by graphic designer Jacey, the cover features Scott's fearful creature in gorgeously-designed embossed cardboard, featuring the famous quote from the original film: "Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality..."

Subscribers should be getting their copies any day now; for the rest of you, the new issue of Empire arrives in all good and evil newsagents from Thursday 20 April, with that cover still to be revealed.

Want to get exclusive covers like this, days before anyone else? Subscribe to Empire here{ =nofollow}.

Alien: Covenant, meanwhile, arrives in the UK on 12 May.

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