As part of a strangely fast Warner Bros. panel that raced through a lot of movies, the focus was definitely on the company's DC offerings, with Justice League at its core. With the cast assembled on stage, the new trailer played, and played well. See it...
Before anyone arrived, though, there was a big sizzle reel looking at the movies to date (Wonder Woman received the biggest cheer) segueing into a quick run-through of movies that are on their way, in various stages of development: Flash Point (The Flash movie), Suicide Squad 2, The Batman, Aquaman, Justice League Dark, Green Lantern Corps and Batgirl. Surprisingly, nothing else was said about them.
After that, it was time to pimp Aquaman, which is now shooting. Star Jason Momoa, freshly arrived from Australia, strode through the aisle like a wrestler headed to the ring, bringing with him an introduction video from director James Wan that included the first footage shown anywhere. Two fisherman find their lines dragged, only to discover a giant armada of ships, and we plunged beneath the ocean to see them surge toward us. Momoa gets his moment in the footage, but not many of the other cast show up. Wan explained that the film will serve as an origin story, as the audience experiences Atlantis the same way Momoa's Arthur Curry does.
On stage, Momoa was then joined by the rest of the Justice League cast: Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller (dressed in a cosplay outfit), and Ray Fisher.

In a potentially awkward moment, host Chris Hardwick had Affleck address recent rumours that he might be leaving the Batman role. "Let me be very clear, I am the luckiest guy in the world," Affleck replied in a non-answer on the subject. "Batman is the coolest f***ing part in any universe. I am so thrilled to do it... With Matt Reeves doing it, I would be an ape on the ground for Matt Reeves, never mind being Batman. It's incredible."
With that out of the way, the new trailer played and then the cast took a few questions. The standouts, as ever, were Miller and Momoa, who quipped and, in the latter's case demolished their way on the stage. The site of Jason Momoa having to right a tipped chair like a mock-moody child is an image that stays in the head.
They're asked about working together and getting the call to play their characters originally, with Miller spinning a funny story about eating fish in Costa Rica when he got the call, and making Zack Snyder wait...
There was, somewhat understandably, no sign of Joss Whedon, who is busy finishing the movie. But there was a chance for Momoa to dash a small child's dreams of seeing Superman return... "Did your parents not show you the other movie? Superman is DEAD!" Mean.
Justice League will be out on 17 November.