Empire Podcast #201: Joel and Ethan Coen, Andrew Lincoln

Hail Caesar

by John Nugent |
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On the Empire Podcast this week, we welcome true filmmaking geniuses into the pod booth. Joel and Ethan Coen are arguably the greatest pair of directing brothers since Wes Anderson and Paul Thomas Anderson [might want to check this – Ed]. They talk to us about their latest film, Hail, Caesar!, and explain how to make a 1950s Hollywood movie in the 21st century.

The Walking Dead Season 6 episode 11 - Knots Untie

And from the small screen, we welcome to the pod booth Rick Grimes himself, The Walking Dead's Andrew Lincoln. Doing his very best not to spoil anything, he chats to us about living in mortal fear, camaraderie with his fellow castmates, and getting short shrift from his barista.

Plus! We do an Oscars debrief; debate the merits of the first Ghostbusters trailer; and consider the surname 'GoodAtActing'.

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