DreamWorks Animation has been suffering of late from some under-performing efforts. It’ll be hoping for a more emphatic hit from one of its more reliable talents, Madagascar** co-director Tom McGrath, with the film Boss Baby, which now boasts the vocal chops of Alec Baldwin and Kevin Spacey{
With Austin Powers co-writer Michael McCullers loosely adapting Maria Frazzee’s picture book, Boss Baby finds a seven-year-old boy becoming jealous of the attention lavished upon his smart-talking, briefcase-sporting baby brother (Baldwin).
Looking to win back his parents’ affection, the older kid discovers a secret plot by the CEO of Puppy Co. (Spacey) that threatens to destroy the balance of love in the world. It turns out that the brash baby executive, who has finagled his way into the family like a cuckoo, is the focus of the plan – and the brothers will have to work together to stop the scheme and prove love is an infinite force.
McGrath is directing alone this time, aiming at a March 18, 2016 release in the States. The prospect of an infant channelling Jack Donaghy is a potentially very amusing one; we just hope McGrath and company can make this entirely distinct from any whiff of Stewie from Family Guy in the baby-genius stakes.