This month at Empire, we are Groot. With Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 just around the corner, everyone’s favourite anthropomorphic tree graces the limited edition subscriber-only cover of the latest Empire, seen here getting his twiggy paws into the tape of the Awesome Mix Vol. 2 cassette.

As ever, this cover will only be made available to lucky Empire subscribers, who should start having their issue plop on doormats in the next few days. The regular newsstand edition (cover yet to be revealed) will go on sale next Thursday.
The cover is just the papery tip of the movie iceberg – within its 146-page bounty, you’ll find your favourite movie magazine bursting with exclusives, including eight pages of coverage direct from the Atlanta set of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2. There’ll be something good, something bad...maybe a bit of both.
Issue #335 of Empire will be on sale in all good and evil newsagents from Thursday 23 March. Fancy getting exclusive limited edition covers like this one, delivered to your door days before everyone else, at a discount? Subscribe to Empire here{
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2, meanwhile, arrives in cinemas from 28 April.