Well-off Simon (Jason Bateman) and his wife Robyn (Rebecca Hall) move into a new luxury home and are given a housewarming present by Gordo (writer-director Joel Edgerton), an oddball who was at school with Simon. The creepily ingratiating Gordo spooks the nervous Robyn and annoys the slightly secretive Simon. With a premise not unlike the French films The Serpent and Harry, He’s Here to Help, this interestingly low-key suspense film goes in unexpected directions. It delivers a couple of great jumps, but the story is more complicated than the usual stalk-and-home-invasion business and the three leads do some excellent work in ambiguous roles.
The Gift Review

Married couple Simon (Bateman) and Robyn (Hall) find their blissful life together thrown into chaos by the return of an old high-school friend (Edgerton).
Release Date:
06 Aug 2015
Running Time:
108 minutes
Original Title:
The Gift
This resourceful and edgy thriller marks another string in the talented Edgerton's bow.
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