It's an enticing prospect: two of Hollywood’s most charming actresses, Olivia Wilde and Anna Kendrick, in a rough, raw and improv-heavy indie that aims to act as antidote to formula rom-coms. In reality, though, Joe Swanberg’s Drinking Buddies is a dud, playing out the romantic quandaries of four tedious, thinly sketched characters (one wears sunglasses indoors! Another keeps banging on about books!) with a dearth of wit. As it pootles along, at one point playing out a house-moving sequence in what feels like excruciating real-time, the beers that Wilde’s heroine relentlessly chugs start to look more and more tempting.
Drinking Buddies Review

Although they're both seeing other people, there's an undeniable spark between work pals Kate (Wilde) and Luke (Johnson). When they're left to spend the weekend together, unanswered questions fill the air.
Release Date:
01 Nov 2013
Running Time:
90 minutes
Original Title:
Drinking Buddies
Flat as day-old beer.
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