Now lovingly polished up to 4K standards, the world’s first horror movie (1920) is as eerily beautiful as ever. Robert Wiene uses jagged sets, non-naturalistic acting and flashbacks within flashbacks to discombobulate, before delivering a twist so blindsiding it’s ripped off to this day.
The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari Review

High in the German mountains, Francis (Fehér) recounts the strange, twisted tale of Dr. Caligari (Krauss) and his tactiturn somnambulist, Cesare (Veidt).
Release Date:
29 Aug 2014
Running Time:
96 minutes
Original Title:
Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, The
This freshly 4K-ed masterpiece of German Expressionism deserves to be seen on the big screen. Track it down and be rewarded with possibly cinema's first ever twist ending.
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